Annual Church Service 2024

Our annual Church Service for the Province of East Anglia took place at Woolpit Church in Suffolk on Sunday 29th September 2024.

It was very well attended with over 110 in the church including wives, partners and the Right Eminent Provincial Prior Colin Birkbeck and his wife Gill along with the Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Suffolk, Right Worshipful Brother Jolyon Berry and his partner Betina, plus the Choir and Organist.

The Provincial Prior entered the church with The Reverend Canon Kevan McCormack and the Banners placed for everyone to see on the Altar. Once everyone was seated the Blessing or the Banners took place and the Holy Bible was opened by the Provincial Prior.

The service commenced with a hymn, an introduction and Psalm 23 was said by all. The first reading was from Genesis 28 was read by The Provincial Prior, Right Eminent Knight Colin Birkbeck, the second reading was from Revelations 12 given by the Provincial Sub Prior Eminent Knight John Rowell and the third reading by Eminent Knight Gordon MacLean.

The Address by The Reverend Canon Kevan McCormack was based upon the three readings, with the congregation listening to every word. The Intercessory Prayers were led by Eminent Knight Ralph Robertson.

A collection was taken by members of the Provincial Bodyguard during which the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers was sung. The collection amounted to over £430-00 which was donated to the church.

The Nation Anthem was sung and the Holy Bible closed. The Provincial Prior said a few words and the Procession out was then conducted by Eminent Knight Robin Shaw.

The tea afterwards,  (catering by Housdens) was in the Community Centre across the field opposite the church.

Em Kt John Rowell 

Provincial Sub Prior for the Province of East Anglia.