St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital

Brother Knights all,

Firstly a heart felt thank you to all of you currently supporting the Eye Hospital Appeal via Gift-Aid. We know from the media of the manifold problems that exist in Jerusalem and Gaza. Work continues there in spite of all this unrest and it is all credit to the Hospital Staff that they continue to do so.

We must remember that unlike the Masonic Charities who are able to hold Festivals and raise millions of pounds. The Eye Hospital is supported solely by our donations to fund their staff and ensure that although they have the buildings we are doing our bit to help them recruit and maintain trained staff. It is all too evident in our own National Health Service that doctors, specialists and nurses are not cheap commodities. Once we have succeeded in funding an appointment they have to be paid, fed, clothed and housed all items which continue to cost an enormous amount of money. One off donations provide instant gratification, but is short lived – they need continuous funding.

This is where Gift Aid and covenanting can play a very real and positive continuous life line.

28p in the £ doesn’t sound a lot on its own. but consider £1.00 per month is worth £15,36 through Gift Aid – £1 per week is worth £66.56; – £5 per month is worth £76.80

If every knight in the Province gave up 1/2 pint of ale per week and took out a standing order under Gift Aid with that £1.00 we would be looking at just under £30,000 per annum impressive when you look at it in that light!

The hospital needs all we can give, will you do your part? I am aware that a number of you are already playing a part. I’m preaching to those who don’t. Together we can make things happen for the Hospital.

Will you join those of us who are already doing our bit?

Can I rely on a flood of applications for the Treasurer?

The hospital needs our help. The children in that area need our help; did you realise that a large percentage of youngsters will be blind by their late ‘teens if we do not get more money to them. These problems do not exist in this country, but they are everyday problems out there let’s join together and do what we can while we can.

If every knight in the Province of East Anglia took out a standing order for £1.00 per week through Gift Aid we could raise over £25,000 over ten years that’s a quarter of a million. That’s giving up half a pint of lager or bitter each per week!! Not a lot, is it? Would you miss it?

God bless you for all the help you can give, and I look forward to sharing many more meetings with you all.

Provincial Prior