Provincial Malta meeting at Wroxham on the 10th July 2024

Knights Templar Knights Of Malta Province Of East Anglia

Nearly 100 members attended the Provincial Malta meeting last week at Wroxham where appointments were made for the year. A good support was given to them by the number of knights that were present most of whom stayed for the Cabbel Malta meeting that followed.

I as sure the appointees were grateful for the support they received particularly as all seemed to enjoy it certainly from the plentiful conversations at the festive board, which as always was very enjoyable. From my point of view the only disappointment was the drive home when the A47 was closed yet again thus, adding extra time to my journey home.

Prior of MaltaJ. Rowell439
Capt. GeneralB.N. Higgins497
Lieut. GeneralK.C. McCully16
1st LieutenantA.K. Mason179
2nd LieutenantD. Bowman102
PrelateJ.A. Elmore418
MareschalR. Shaw667
Dep. MareschalM. Smith544
Dep. MareschalD.B. Hedges667
HospitallerR.C. Callaby497
AdmiralS.C. Teverson677
ConservatorW.E. Garner330
BaillieP.M. Royal692
TurcopolierS.A. Sheriff439
ChancellorJ.A. Jones677
TreasurerR.R. Hack497
Banner BearerP. Fagg497
Sword BearerB.A. Nestor69
Capt of OutpostsJ. Taylor677
OrganistD.E.H. Adams179
GuardR. Shields677